Karamel Music Club [Wed 7 May]
May sees the arrival of a couple of new faces, as well as an old friend. 17 year old George Wilding has been causing something of a stir in the industry, with Sony offering a development deal on the spot when they heard him. With consistent spot plays on BBC Radio 2 and 6, as well as local radio. George has all the makings of a Syd Barrett meets David Bowie age 17 – tall and elegant, quietly confident, lyrics beyond his years (check out ‘My Backwards Head’, which he wrote when he was 14) and a maturity chord wise that astounds – where his contemporaries slap on a capo and play the usual chord blocks, George is filling in the three passing notes in between. You’re going to love him. Also making an appearance are an outrageously fun and 70?s-tastic ‘Itchy Teeth’ – superbly tight rhythm section, chord changes that would have supertramp dancing along in a T-rex T-shirt while the kinks crackled out of a transistor radio. Great performers, and sure to be a tremendously good night. If you then add into the mix solo artist and former seahorses frontman (and great pal) Chris Helme – a man who himself knows a thing or two about the 70?s, as well as having laid claim to a number one album in both the UK and Japan – then you get the idea. And as always, it’s free. Our way of inviting the local haringey community in to our world of ethical promotion and the supporting of great, original music.