Far From The Western Front
25th November- 14th January 2017
Far From The Western Front is a free exhibition exploring the untold stories of South Asians whose crucial contributions shaped the First World War.
The exhibition follows the stories of eight people across the globe, using previously unseen images, digital media, and individuals’ experiences uncovered from the archives.
Their experiences remind us that there was more to the First World War than mud and trenches of Europe. In this exhibition, we discover the threat of lions on patrol in East Africa, thirst in the 50 degree heat of the Sinai desert, and starvation at the Siege of Kut.
Far From the Western Front is created by volunteers from across London, including Indian Pakistani and Nepali communities, and is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It is a partnership between Collage Arts, the Council of Asian People, Gurkha Veterans Foundation, and the Pak Cultural Society.
For more infomation: www.southasiansoldiers.org.uk